Peace Proms 2025! The choir had a brilliant time at the Peace Proms 2025 in the SSE Arena!
Love for Life Visits Our Primary 4 -7 classes had a visit from the 'Love for Life' organisation to discuss relationships.
AR Word Millionaire! Well done to Alana in P6 for becoming an AR Word Millionaire!
BBC 500 Words Writers! Congratulations to Annabelle and Katie who both entered the BBC 500 words competitions and received gift cards for their entries!
World Book Day 2025! Our school took part in World Book Day 2025, with each class making an effort to dress up as either a theme, or their favourite character from a book. There were some fantastic costumes!
PTA Fundraiser for Angel Wishes! The PTA held a fantastic, fun-filled day to raise money for a very special charity, Angel Wishes.
Shared Education Day 2! This week our P5, P6 and P7 classes had their 2nd day together with our Shared Education partners in St Colman's and Dunmurry Primary School!
P6 Bun Sale! P6 held a bun sale as part of our fundraiser to raise money for Angel Wishes charity!
Girls' Football! What an amazing afternoon watching our Girls' Football Team play some matches in Lisburn!