Seymour Hill Primary School

    Seymour Hill Primary School News

    The latest news stories from Seymour Hill Primary School.


    News Stories

    • Peace Proms 2025!
      The choir had a brilliant time at the Peace Proms 2025 in the SSE Arena!
    • Love for Life Visits
      Our Primary 4 -7 classes had a visit from the 'Love for Life' organisation to discuss relationships.
    • AR Word Millionaire!
      Well done to Alana in P6 for becoming an AR Word Millionaire!
    • BBC 500 Words Writers!
      Congratulations to Annabelle and Katie who both entered the BBC 500 words competitions and received gift cards for their entries!
    • World Book Day 2025!
      Our school took part in World Book Day 2025, with each class making an effort to dress up as either a theme, or their favourite character from a book. There were some fantastic costumes!
    • Introduction to Forest Schools!
      Our P4 classes took part in their first (of many!) forest school sessions!
    • PTA Fundraiser for Angel Wishes!
      The PTA held a fantastic, fun-filled day to raise money for a very special charity, Angel Wishes.
    • Shared Education Day 2!
      This week our P5, P6 and P7 classes had their 2nd day together with our Shared Education partners in St Colman's and Dunmurry Primary School!
    • P6 Bun Sale!
      P6 held a bun sale as part of our fundraiser to raise money for Angel Wishes charity!
    • Girls' Football!
      What an amazing afternoon watching our Girls' Football Team play some matches in Lisburn!
    Showing 1-10 of 41